
Systems Selling for Macro Economic Development; Nigeria in Focus

Authors: Augustine E.N. Oko & Chidiadi Esi-Ubani

Vol.3 Issue 1

The Economy of Nigeria will experience a lift if firms are able sell off their products, reduce cost of operation and make profit yearly. Systems selling which involves selling interrelated goods and services together as a package serves as a relief to the buyer and reduces cost of selling for the seller and ultimately increases sales which translates to Macro Economic development. This work studied the ability of Systems selling to bring about Economic development in Nigeria. Data were collected for collation based on the use of both close and open ended questionnaire and were structured and ranked based on the modified five (5) scale likert ranking order scales, Hypotheses were tested based on the simple regression statistical model. Findings include that Systems selling as practiced in Nigeria does not have significant impact in product logistics and distribution efficiency in Nigeria, Systems selling is not a common feature among organizations in both the public and private sectors in Nigeria and corrupt political practices caves in for non-professionals and non-specialists to manage marketing based governmental investments to the determent of economic development. Systems selling is advocated for Nigeria for cost reduction operation based on efficiency.
Keywords: Systems selling, logistics management, distribution strategy, public procurement, macroeconomics, economic development.
